BookE App for your Shopify store, turns your store into a property, hotel and room rental business.
You can add detailed property and accommodation information to your products using this module.
Daily rates, seasonal prices, property search, reservation calendar, and reservation manager, give you everything you need to rent from rooms in the single house, hotel rooms and hostel spaces to a portfolio of holiday rental properties.
Customers can enter their accommodation requirements and search for available properties based on their search criteria and general availability, live prices, consider active discounts, and seasonal pricing. Customers can make their selections and then use any payment methods you have set up to make reservations by going through the usual checkout procedure. You can set up properties to be non-instant and check out for free if a property needs a certain amount of time to validate the customer's reservation's availability. You can then generate payment requests from the administration sites.
In order to give you control over the order flow for the purchase, this module installs a number of order statuses, including orders received, payment requested, payment received, and reservation confirmed, etc. To ensure that customers are fully informed during the booking process, all of these statuses are set up to send emails to them.
Front Office Features:
- Booking form: Customers can choose their preferred check-in and check-out times, check bookings based on the number of Adults, Children and Infants, and consult the reservation schedule on the calendar.
Front Office Features
- Property Rates: Customers can browse rental information for properties and choose the right room kinds and numbers.
Back Office Features:
From your back-office, you'll be able to manage and configure your store to your liking. Create, manage or modify rate plans; view and manage your reservations, and make the best of your store's offer.
- Shopify Products tab: Fetch and link your products from this screen.
- Properties tab: View and manage your linked properties from this screen.
- Rate Types tab: Manage and create new rate types. Personalize your store's offer to your linking.
- Reservations tab: View and manage your reservations
- Settings tab: The administrator can configure their store here.
- Plan tab: Upgrade your plan whenever you want
- Calendar tab: Viewing their store's reservation schedule is helpful for the administrator.
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